var_reference and Interactive Dialer

CallScripter 4.5 and Synergy auto population of var_reference by Interactive Intelligence Integration
When a dialer pops a script in CallScripter 4.5, var_reverence is automatically populated with the i3_identity of the record.  
When an inbound call pops a script, var_reference is populated with the call id.
For agentless interactions, whereas the call is initiated as a dialler interaction, when it reaches the recipient who selects an option from an IVR, the call is re-routed to a workgroup.  By the time it hits CallScripter, it is handled as an inbound call and var_reference is automatically populated with the call id.  For this reason, all call list data must be mapped to attributes in Interactive Administrator in order that they can be passed into the script via EXDS linking.